General Terms and Conditions


The General Terms and Conditions of Delivery as defined herein apply to the services provided by Mainport Travel Management. These General Terms and Conditions, as outlined in this document, apply to all agreements, transactions, services, and activities of Mainport Travel Management entered into with or performed on behalf of the Client, unless explicitly and in writing agreed otherwise by the parties.


1 Definitions

1.1 Mainport Travel Management (MTM): Facilitates the conclusion of agreements related to services in the travel industry in the broadest sense of the word, hereinafter referred to as M.T.M.
1.2 Client: The party contracting with M.T.M.
1.3 Service Provider: The carrier, accommodation provider, or other service provider in the travel industry, in the broadest sense of the word, with whom the Client enters into an agreement, and who is responsible for the provision of services, subject to their applicable terms.
1.4 Traveler: The natural person for whom the agreement with the Service Provider is concluded.


2 Mediation Agreement

2.1 M.T.M. acts as an intermediary in the conclusion of agreements related to services in the travel industry in the broadest sense of the word.
2.2 The mediation agreement is concluded upon confirmation of the Client’s request by M.T.M. Requests and confirmations may be made orally, in writing, or electronically.
2.3 The Client, who enters into the mediation agreement on behalf of the Traveler(s), is liable for all obligations arising from agreements concluded under the mediation agreement.
2.4 The Client must provide M.T.M. with all necessary information regarding the Traveler(s) (including nationality and personal characteristics) that may influence the performance of the agreement(s) before entering into and executing the agreement(s).
2.5 Obvious errors or mistakes do not bind M.T.M. M.T.M. cannot be held responsible for any actions, omissions, changes, cancellations by the Service Provider, or the quality of their services and/or products.
2.6 If the agreed services are included in a brochure or any other publication (written or electronic) of a Service Provider, the information and terms therein are part of the agreement.
2.7 The general terms and conditions of the respective Service Provider may apply to agreements made through the mediation of M.T.M. M.T.M. will assist in obtaining these terms upon request by the Client.
2.8 The prices and/or conditions quoted by M.T.M. or confirmed on behalf of the performing Service Provider are based on rates, conditions, exchange rates, charges, and taxes as known to M.T.M. at the time the agreement is concluded. If these prices and/or conditions are subsequently altered according to the responsible Service Provider’s terms, M.T.M. is entitled to pass these changes on to the Client.

2.9 M.T.M. is not responsible for photos, brochures, or other informational materials, as long as they are published under third-party responsibility.
2.10 M.T.M. maintains a Pricing Table for its various services. M.T.M. reserves the right to adjust the prices for provided services without prior approval from the Client.
2.11 Prices listed in the Pricing Table are subject to inflation adjustments and the annual indexation from the Dutch Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS).


3 Changes/Cancellations

3.1 If the Client initiates changes to or cancellations of the agreement concerning (part of) the services, including “no-shows,” the Service Provider’s applicable change and/or cancellation fees and M.T.M.’s fees will be charged to the Client. Unless stated otherwise by M.T.M., the fees listed in the M.T.M. Pricing Table will be applied.


4 Payment Terms

4.1 All amounts are exclusive of VAT, unless otherwise stated.
4.2 All due amounts must be paid within 8 days of the invoice date unless agreed otherwise.
4.3 For payments made by credit card, merchant fees and other charges imposed by the credit card company on M.T.M. will be fully passed on to the Client.
4.4 If the Client fails to meet their payment obligations, M.T.M. reserves the right to terminate the agreement(s) on behalf of the Service Provider(s) immediately after a notice of default and the expiration of the stated term in the notice.
4.5 If the Client fails to meet their payment obligations on time, they will owe statutory interest on the principal amount for each month or part of a month of delay. The Client is also liable for legal and extrajudicial collection costs, amounting to at least 15% of the total amount owed, including the aforementioned interest.
4.6 M.T.M. is entitled to offset amounts owed by the Client against any credits due to the Client.
4.7 Refunds to the Client resulting from unused or partially unused tickets will be processed within 14 days of M.T.M.’s receipt of the funds from the Service Provider.
4.8 Payment of a consolidated invoice cannot be withheld due to a dispute over one of the individual invoices contained within that consolidated invoice.
4.9 Changes in regulations that lead to changes in taxes, levies, etc., will be fully passed on to the Client, even if these apply retroactively.


  1. Liability

5.1 The Service Provider is responsible, in accordance with their terms, for the services provided. M.T.M. accepts no liability for acts and/or omissions of the relevant Service Provider(s), nor for the accuracy of the information provided by them.
5.2 To the extent there is any fault or gross negligence by M.T.M. that results in damages to the Client, M.T.M.’s liability is limited to the amount, excluding VAT, charged by M.T.M. for the specific Traveler(s) for that trip, which was paid by the Client.



6 Travel Documents

6.1 The Client must ensure that the Traveler is in possession of all necessary travel documents at departure, such as a valid passport and any required visas, vaccination, and immunization certificates.
6.2 M.T.M. may provide information regarding visa and vaccination requirements upon request, but cannot be held responsible for the completeness and/or accuracy of this information or any damages resulting from it.
6.3 Travel documents will be sent or can be collected at the office where the booking was made or at the Holland Handling Desk at Schiphol Airport before departure.
6.4 Delivery of travel documents by post is included in the service. M.T.M. accepts no liability for lost postal documents. If the Client wishes to receive travel documents via registered mail, an additional handling fee of €8 will be charged.
6.5 Commercial courier services will be charged at cost plus an administrative fee.
6.6 Upon receipt of travel documents by courier, the Client must sign for delivery.


7 Disputes

7.1 All agreements between M.T.M. and the Client are governed by Dutch law. Disputes between the parties will be settled by the competent Dutch court.
7.2 In addition, bookings made under ANVR or SGR conditions are subject to the applicable booking, payment, and travel terms.
7.3 The booking, payment, and/or travel terms mentioned in section 7.2 can be requested from the respective organizations and will also be provided by M.T.M. upon written request.



You can also find the terms and conditions on our website under the section:
“Terms & Rights.”